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Find scholarships, other financial aid and internships from more than 2,200 programs, totaling nearly $6 billion.

This system helps students attend Michigan colleges through the state's Competitive Scholarship, Tuition Grant and Post Secondary Access Student Scholarship (PASS) programs. 

Fastweb is a free online resource for paying and preparing for school. This tool offers scholarships for every type of student from high school freshman to the returning adult. 

Zinch is a website that attempts to help colleges and students to connect. On this site, student create a profile similar to a college application. These profiles can be browsed by colleges that they are interested in. Based on the student profiles, students are matched with schoalrships and merit aid. 

Minimize Debt and Maximize your education


Financial aid can help make college a reality. By taking the time to research and apply to scholarships, grants, and other financial aid opportunities, students can minimize their debt and gain the financial resources to attend college. By applying to scholarships and other monetary awards for college, students can lessen the financial burden of tuition.The resources below are only a small collection of all of the resources out there. Begin your search below. 

Financial Aid Resources

Check out the additional resources for financial aid below.

This site offers information on helping students in foster care apply for and obtain financial aid. 

This site has general information about scholarships, financial aid, planning a career, selecting a college, and how to pay it.

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